Sunday, March 13, 2016

Low Carb Soul Bread

I just made this bread called Low Carb Soul Bread. It is awesome! Although it doesn't have the complete consistency of carby bread, it's enough to satisfy the desire for a sandwich or for a slice of peanut  butter bread. I'm going to try and make French Toast with the bread this week since I really, really, really miss French Toast.

Check it out yo! Looks as good as it tastes!

Anyway! I have been doing fairly well with eating right. I had two birthdays that I attended yesterday that really had nothing keto to serve. I had wings and hot dogs between the two parties and I ballooned up like ten pounds. I blame the hot dogs. Holy water weight, Batman! No biggie - got to just keep on trucking through those ups and downs! First thing this morning, I made my Bulletproof Coffee and some bacon and scrambled eggs, and I have been drinking so much water that I feel like I'm going to turn into a fish! Totally dreading looking at the scale tomorrow, but it is what it is. I'll be back to my current weight in no time, and hopefully lower! I plan on taking body measurements and updating that weekly on the side bar.

I'm also considering trying an egg fast when I hit my first plateau. (The dreaded weight stall that I'm sure we all get!) I've read great results from folks over on the /r/xxketo Facebook group so I definitely think I'll attempt it. I'll use I Breathe, I'm Hungry's egg fast meal plan.

Have you tried the egg fast? Tell me about your results, how long you did the fast, and how you felt in the end of your fast. 

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